Radiological Study of Fusion of Tri-radiate Cartilage in hip bone in Bikaner Region in 14-22 Years Age Group


  • Mathur Indubala1 , Sajjad Hussain2 , Agrawal Anjali3 , Sharma Yogesh4



Age Estimation, Tri-radiate cartilage, X- Rays.


Correct age determination has of great importance in legal prosecution. The principle means, which enable

one to form fairly accurate opinion about age of an individual, are general physical development, dentition,

secondary sex characters and ossification of bones. Among them Radiological examination of ossification

process is most accurate than any other method up to 25 years of age.

This study involves radiological examination of Pelvis (AP view) of 169 individuals for the study of age

related appearance and fusion of ossification center of Tri-radiate cartilage in hip in the individuals of age

group of 14-22 years of both male and female in S P Medical college, Bikaner, Rajasthan.

Author Biography

  • Mathur Indubala1 , Sajjad Hussain2 , Agrawal Anjali3 , Sharma Yogesh4

    1 Associate Professor& HOD, Department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology, PCMS & RC, Bhopal (MP), 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology, PCMS & RC, Bhopal (MP), 3 PG final year,

    Department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology, PCMS & RC, Bhopal (MP), 4Professor & HOD, Department of

    Forensic medicine and Toxicology, RNT Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur (Rajasthan)




How to Cite

Radiological Study of Fusion of Tri-radiate Cartilage in hip bone in Bikaner Region in 14-22 Years Age Group. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 421-425.