Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Investigation of Soft Palate in Cat (Felis Catus Domesticus.L)
Histological, Soft palate, Cat.Abstract
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the normal structure and provide distribution for palatine
glands in cranial and caudal part of soft palate. Also, afford information to be useful for both surgical
interventions and pathological disease. Method/: Sixth healthy cats were caught in Iraq farms. All experimental
animals euthanized by intramuscular injection of ketamine (0.5 cc) and xylazine (0.5 cc), Sections were
stained by H&E and combined AB+PAS stain 2.5 pH. Results: The soft palate was triangular in shape, the
dimensions was (2.8, 2) cm in length and width respectively. Also, had two surface; nasopharyngeal surface
lined by psuedostratified columnar epithelial ciliated and oropharyngeal surface lined by stratified squamous
epithelia. The palatine glands appeared magenta in color during staining by AB+PAS combined stain due
to neutral secretion. Conclusion: The palatine glands variance in distribution between dorsal and ventral
surface of soft palate, most of these glands constricted in oropharyngeal surface.