Molecular Detection blaOXA50 gene of P.aerginosae Isolated from Otitis Media


  • Ahmed Maki N. Al-Muaala1 , Noor A.Neama2 , Thulfikar H. al-kefaei1



P.aerginosae, blaOXA50 gene, Resistance antibiotic


Pseudomonas aerugenosa is a gram negative rod shape bacterium belonging to the family Pseudomonadaceae

. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major uropathogen in a hospital. It can tolerate a wide kind of physical

conditions and many antibiotics via several mechanisms resistance . The study included genetic study

blaOXA50 gene utilizer technique PCR by specific forward and reverse primers to common bacteria that

causes otitis media, 40 isolated from otitis media patients (ear swab). Primary identification was depended

on Gram stain ,biochemical tests and vitek 2 system was done . The results demonstrate 30 isolate of them

were P.aerginosae. The result appear P.aerginosae contain on 25(19%) blaOXA50 gene.

Author Biography

  • Ahmed Maki N. Al-Muaala1 , Noor A.Neama2 , Thulfikar H. al-kefaei1

    1 Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, Faculty of Medical and Health Techniques, University of

    AlKafeel, Najaf, Iraq, 2 Clinical Pharmacy and Laboratory Science, College of pharmacy, University of AlKafeel,

    Najaf, Iraq




How to Cite

Molecular Detection blaOXA50 gene of P.aerginosae Isolated from Otitis Media. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 962-965.