Assessment of Aggression among High Schools Students


  • Mansour Abdullah Falah Al-Zorfi1 , Hussein Jassim Muhammad Al-Ibrahimi.2



Assessment. Aggression. High Schools Students


Background: Aggression is a behavioral characteristic that refers to forceful actions or procedures (such a

deliberate attack) with intentions to dominate or master. It tends to be hostile, injurious, or destructive, and

is often motivated by frustration for an individual, aggressive behavior is considered understandable and

normal under appropriate circumstances, but when it is frequent, intense, lasting, and pervasive, it is more

likely to be a symptom of a mental disorder. Likewise, aggression between groups, can be in the form of

healthy competition, but can become harmful when unfair or unjust disadvantage or frustration is perceived,

leading to hostility. Objectives: assessment aggression among high school students. Methodology: A

descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in order to achieve the stated objectives. The study has

begun from 1st September 2018. Settings of the Study: The settings of the study include (41) High secondary

schools which are distributed in (3) Districts of Al-Najaf Governorate, urban (23) schools and rural (18)

schools, these schools are systematic randomly selected. Results: most majority was moderate aggressive

by 52.7%. Conclusions: this study show which included an overall assessment of Aggressive, where the

study showed that the most majority was moderate aggressive. Recommendations: Supporting educational

methods by the Educational Committee that limits aggressive behavior of adolescents in schools, such as

(moving away from scenes of an aggressive nature, beating, violence, fighting, quarrels, and blood scenes).

And The teacher devotes part of the lesson time to clarifying issues and harms of aggression, and to show the

benefits of tolerance and contentment. and The school administration cooperated with the teenager’s family

to identify the causes of his aggression. Finally, The Ministry of Education is working to create posters that

reject aggression and suspend it throughout the school.

Author Biography

  • Mansour Abdullah Falah Al-Zorfi1 , Hussein Jassim Muhammad Al-Ibrahimi.2

    1 University of Kufa, 2.University of Babylon, College of Nursing - Family and Community Health Nursing




How to Cite

Assessment of Aggression among High Schools Students. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 1196-1198.