Morphometric Measurements of Cervical Spine using Computed Tomography


  • Husseina Hassanali 1 , Prateeksha S1 , Fayas P1 , Saikiran Pendem2 , Priya P S3



Cervical Spondylosis, Spinal canal, transverse foramen, cervical myelopathy


The cervical spine antomy exhibits wide variations. For cervical spine pathologies which require surgical

treatment, the prior knowledge of these anatomic variations would reduce the surgical complications. The

aim of the study is to perform CT based measurements of cervical transverse foramen and spinal canal in

indian population which would be useful in providing road map and guidance for surgical interventions

of cervical spine. This is a retrospective study. A total of 73 patients (49 males, 24 females, age range:

18-75 years) indicated for CT cervical spine from June 2018 to June 2019 were included. The sagittal

spinal canal Diameter (dSSC), sagittal (TFs) and transversr diameters (TFt) of transverse foramen, distance

between transverse foramen and spinal canal (dTF-SC) were measured at C1-C7 levels. We found that

significant difference in sagittal spinal canal diameters at all the levels of cervical spine (C1-C7) between

males and females (p<0.01). Our study also found significant difference in sagittal (TFs) and transverse

(TFs) diameters of transverse foramen at all cervical levels in males and females between right and left side

(p<0.01). Significant difference were noted for distance between transverse foramen and spinal canal (dTF

  1. SC) at all the levels of cervical spine in males and females between right and left side (p<0.01). From our

study we conclude that a thorough comprehension of cervical anatomy with CT- based measurements help in

preoperative planning and reduce the complications in surgical interventions. Our study noticed significant

reduction in distance between transverse foramen and spinal canal (dTF-SC) in both males and females on

left side. Hence, care must be taken while performing surgical procedures of cervical spine on the left side

in males and females at all cervical levels.

Author Biography

  • Husseina Hassanali 1 , Prateeksha S1 , Fayas P1 , Saikiran Pendem2 , Priya P S3

    1BSc. 2Assistant Professor, PhD in Medical Imaging Technology, Department of Medical Imaging Technology,

    Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India,

    3Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Kasturba Medical College and Hospital,

    Manipal, Karnataka, India




How to Cite

Morphometric Measurements of Cervical Spine using Computed Tomography. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 1702-1708.