Attitude and Knowledge of Medical Negligence among General Population of Ahmedabad City, Gujarat


  • Mohammed Musaib M. Shaikh1 , Dushyantkumar Barot2 , Jayjeet Trivedi3 , R. S. Bhise4



Attitude, Knowledge, Medical Negligence, General Population


This study explored perspective and knowledge on medical negligence among the general population of

Ahmedabad city. 500 Peoples voluntary participated in the study. Peoples were asked to respond anonymously

to a structured questionnaire which dealt with their views, perception, knowledge and attitude toward

medical negligence.In the present study, out of 500 participants, 69% were male,58.4% were aged between

21-40years & 56.8% were graduate & postgraduate. The majority of people have quite good knowledge about

medical negligence, but less knowledge about legal proceedings regarding medical negligence. Educational

seminar and awareness programs on this subject may helpful for them and for medical professionals also.

Author Biography

  • Mohammed Musaib M. Shaikh1 , Dushyantkumar Barot2 , Jayjeet Trivedi3 , R. S. Bhise4

    1 Associate Professor, 2Assistant Professor,3Tutor,4Professor& Head, Department of Forensic Medicine,Dr. M. K

    Shah Medical College & Research Centre,Ahmedabad Gujarat. India




How to Cite

Attitude and Knowledge of Medical Negligence among General Population of Ahmedabad City, Gujarat. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 2069-2074.