Eruption Pattern of Permanent Molars among School Children in Chennai


  • Daniel Rajendran T



Chronological age, eruption of permananent teeth, medicolegal issues, anthropometry, nutritional status.


Background: Estimation of the age of an individual is essential investigation in medicolegal cases,

especially involving children and adolescents. Among the various factors used for age estimation, eruption of

permanent teeth is one of them. Several factors influence the eruption of teeth, including genetic, nutritional

and hormonal. This study was carried out to analyze the pattern of eruption of permanent teeth among school

going children in urban Chennai.

Method: This cross sectional study was carried out among 983 school children between the age group

of 4-14 years. Two schools, one belonging to the lower socioeconomic status and the other belonging to

the higher socioeconomic status were taken up for this study. Eruption of permanent teeth were examined


Results: Majority of the first molars erupted by7-7.5 years of age (95%) while majority of the central

incisors erupted between 8-9 years. Lateral incisors were completely erupted between 9.5-10 years and first

premolar were completely erupted between 12.5-12.9 years. Both second premolar and canine erupted by

13.5-13.9 years.

Conclusion: The visual observation of eruption of permanent teeth is a non invasive procedure and does not

require any special machines like that of radiography. This method of assessing the age of the individual is

considerably easier, economical and safe. Hazards of exposing the individual to radiation can be prevented.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Rajendran T

    1Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital




How to Cite

Eruption Pattern of Permanent Molars among School Children in Chennai. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(3), 2216-2221.