A study on the Aspiration Procedures in Syringes among Health Care Professionals
Syringes, Aspiration procedure, Injection, Injection technique.Abstract
Aspiration during routine injection is meant to ensure that the injecting needle tip is at the anticipated
location during this unsighted procedure. While injecting needle appears to be a simple procedure, it has
produced a lot of controversy regarding the apparent benefits and indications. Keeping in view the huge
number of injections given worldwide, it is observed that key questions regarding aspiration till now,
remain unanswered. Due to very smaller number of studies and data in the literature there is no evidence of
particular injecting procedure as truly beneficial or unjustified. The present integrative review was chosen to
draw conclusions about the current state of knowledge and practice of aspiration and use of syringes among
medical, paramedical and dental practitioners. On analyzing the questionnaire output data’s, it was observed
that most sound knowledge practitioners found difficulty in usage of syringes and forget to aspirate due
to nervousness during injection resulting in positive aspiration (p<0.05) during the procedure. Henceforth
a new invention in the syringe for safer and easier use or a standard injecting technique with aspiration
protocol have to be established to avoid complications due to difficulty in usage of syringes during minor or
major surgical procedures.