Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Hospital of Bengkulu City, Indonesia: Case Control Study
Diabetes mellitus, risk factors, physical activity, body mass index, dietAbstract
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is currently increasing and is an important cause of
premature death and disability. Insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus is caused by multiple
factors such as non-modifiable factors and modifiable factors. Objectives: assess the relationship of factors
can not be modified and factors can be modified with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods:
This is a case control study. Samples taken based on several criteria, namely: 1) patients aged ? 18 years,
2) patients can communicate smoothly. Risk factors were analyzed using the chi-square test, knowing the
magnitude of the risk using the Odds ratio (OR). Results: variables related to type 2 diabetes mellitus were
age (p = 0.019), OR = 2.5 (1.2-5.2), family history of diabetes (p = 0.007), OR = 2.9 (1, 3-6.1), body mass
index (BMI) (p = 0.001), OR = 3.2 (1.6-6.5), high sugar diet (p = 0,000), OR = 4.2 (2.0 -8.6), low fiber diet
(p = 0.018), OR = 2.5 (1.2-5.4), and physical activity (p = 0.000), OR = 7.1 (3.0- 16.6). Conclusion: Risk
factors proven to be related to type 2 diabetes mellitus are age, family history of diabetes, BMI, high sugar
diet, low fiber diet, and physical activity. While gender, central obesity and smoking cannot be proven to be
risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Physical activity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus,
with a 4 times greater risk for those who lack physical activity