100 Years of Calcium Hydroxide in Dentistry: A Review of Literature


  • Sahithi Reddy1 , Venkatachalam Prakash2 , Arunajatesan Subbiya3 , Suresh Mitthra4




calcium hydroxide, intracanal medicament, remineralization.


Ever since the introduction of calcium hydroxide in 1920, it has been widely used in dentistry. This is due
to the therapeutic properties of calcium hydroxide imparted by its high pH and dissociation to form ions
Ca+2 and OH?. This makes it a remineralizing agent, a bactericidal or bacteriostatic agent based on the pH
concentration and also an anti-inflammatory agent. It is being applied for various purposes in dentistry like
intracanal medicament, pulp capping agent, root canal sealer, cavity liner, apexification, pulpotomy, canals
with exudate, perforation management and root resorption. This review article aims to describe in detail the
various properties of calcium hydroxide and applications marking 100 years of its use in dentistry.

Author Biography

  • Sahithi Reddy1 , Venkatachalam Prakash2 , Arunajatesan Subbiya3 , Suresh Mitthra4

    1Final Year PG Student , 2
    Professor, 3
    Professor and Head, 4
    Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry and
    Endodontics, Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,
    Narayanapuram , Pallikaranai, Chennai Tamilnadu, India.




How to Cite

100 Years of Calcium Hydroxide in Dentistry: A Review of Literature. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 1203-1219. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.11692