Seroprevalence of Syphilis among Iraq’s Blood Donors and Their Relation with Blood Group and Rh Factor


  • Suad Azeez Hassan1 , Eman S. Nassir2 , Aseel I. Ibrahim1 , Luma Tareq3



Treponema pallidum, syphilis, blood group, blood donors


Aim of Study: to detect the frequency of syphilis disease among healthy blood donors and if there’s
association with ABO Blood groups and Rh factor.
Methods and Material: this study performed in Iraq National Blood transfusion in Baghdad city, collection of
blood samples obtained from apparently healthy blood donors for a 12 month period (Jan.2018 toDec.2018).
Blood group for the volunteers was determined by forward and revers grouping method. Detection of
syphilis performed by using ELISA technique (fortress,BXE0995C, united Kingdom) for detect antibodies
in the human serum. Syphilis test on of the routine test applied in the blood donor bank in Iraq.
Result: a total of 178966 healthy volunteers included in the study, all were blood donors, age 18-60 years,
with mean age of 39 years. Only 1233 (0.69%) appeared infected with syphilis, 1208 (98%) were males while
25(2%) were females; 444(36%) seropositive was blood group A, while blood group O and blood group B
seropositivity was 366(29.7%) , 333(37%) respectively, The lowest percentage recorded for blood group AB
at 90(7.3%). The prevalence of syphilis with Rh factor was as following: 1147(93%) of seropositive was Rh
+ve whereas 86(7%) was Rh -ve. Conclusion: blood group A and O are the most prominent blood groups
among voluntary donors and the prevalence of syphilis is equal compared with other countries.

Author Biography

  • Suad Azeez Hassan1 , Eman S. Nassir2 , Aseel I. Ibrahim1 , Luma Tareq3

    Lecturer, 2
    Assistant Lecturer, Clinical Laboratory Science Department/ College of Pharmacy/ University of
    Baghdad/Iraq, 3
    Senior Statistician Chief, College of management and economic / Mustansiriyah university /Iraq




How to Cite

Seroprevalence of Syphilis among Iraq’s Blood Donors and Their Relation with Blood Group and Rh Factor. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 1700-1706.