The Impact of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles on The DNA Yield of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MTB
gold nanoparticles; silver nanoparticles; MDA.Abstract
The objective of this research study whether nanoparticles of gold (Au NP) and nanoparticles silver (Ag NP)
have an effect on the yield of DNA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in this experiment when it was
extracted DNA from MTB using gold and silver nanoparticles at different concentrations (l0?l, 50?l and
100?l) then showed a significant impact on the yield of DNA, especially gold nanoparticles compared with
DNA extracted without any of the Using a graph obtained from the REALTIME qPCR,
which became very clear when the control sample (MTB without any nanoparticles) showed a high value for
the Ct (cycle threshold), which meant that low quantities of DNA. While samples containing nanoparticles
were low in Ct which meant a high yield of DNA was shown. Ct values also decreased when the concentration
of nanoparticles increased, eventually we conclude from the above experiment that nanoparticles showed
high yield of MTB DNA. These results are likely due the interaction of the nanoparticles utilized with the
cell wall and cell membrane of bacterium, which has facilitated the yield of DNA. Further refinement can be
to the above said method and the nanoparticles could possibly use as an effective component of Nucleic acid
extraction kits for molecular diagnosis and research so that a superior yield is obtaine.