Awareness of Creativity and Its Relationship to Speed and Accuracy of Futsal Soccer for Female Students


  • Mohsen Mohamed Hassan1 , Nidaa Falih Hassan2 , Ali Muhammad Jawad Al-Sayegh3, Hayder Naji Habash Alshawi4



creativity awareness, speed and accuracy of pass, Futsal football for female students


Achieving success in the futsal soccer game also depends on the good potential in the accuracy and speed
of implementing basic skills through the superior ability to accuracy and speed of passing the soccer (futsal)
to the researchers as well as teachers and lecturers in this game within the scope of the lesson in the third
and fourth stage, there is a weakness in most Female students in basic play skills, including the skill of
handling, because they need to play to the speed and accuracy of performance and weakness, according to
the researchers ’opinion, lack of training on them requires awareness, thinking, focus and awareness that the
game needs physical and mental effort to master it, which the researchers decided to go into this problem, the
researchers used the curriculum Descriptive Basloubi survey and correlations because it fits with the nature
of the research problem. The research community was determined by the students of the fourth stage in the
College of Physical Education and Sports Science in the effectiveness of football halls for the academic
season 2018-2019 and the number (14) students, which were completely chosen for the experiment, in a
simple random way ( Lottery) and by 100%. The researchers used the scale of creating awareness of the
researcher (Wahb Razzaq), where a scale consists of (28) items that the examiner answers according to five
alternatives, which are (always, sometimes, rarely, never) and grades are given (1,2,3,4,5) on Respectively,
as the highest score on the scale was (140), the lowest score is (28), the name of the test - receipt, and either
the handover pass test toward players - the goal of the test - measuring the speed and accuracy of passing
them - the conclusions are - distinguished students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science
at the University of Kufa In the fourth stage, a good reality of awareness and creativity also characterized
by a good reality in the performance and speed of the skill of handling the futsal football. There is a real
correlation between the awareness of creativity and the speed and accuracy of the skill of handling futsal
football. The researchers recommend that it is necessary to focus on psychological matters that increase the
students ’motivation to think and awareness about creativity and help them in achieving self and forming a
personal sporting identity for each of them using encouraging educational methods to develop the skill of
speed and accuracy of the passing skill of students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Science
while practising practical lessons and performing sports skills Various specials, futsal soccer skills.

Author Biography

  • Mohsen Mohamed Hassan1 , Nidaa Falih Hassan2 , Ali Muhammad Jawad Al-Sayegh3, Hayder Naji Habash Alshawi4

    Assist Prof. University of Kufa /Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / IRAQ, 2Assistant teacher.
    University of kufa / Presidency University / IRAQ, 3
    Assist Prof. Ministry of Education / Najaf Governorate /
    Institute of Arts/IRAQ, 4Assist Prof. University of Kufa/Faculty of Education for Girls / Department of Physical
    Education and Sports Sciences / IRAQ




How to Cite

Awareness of Creativity and Its Relationship to Speed and Accuracy of Futsal Soccer for Female Students. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 2029-2033.