Correlation Ship between Some Hematological Parameters and Smoking for Students


  • Manar Kareem Alquraishy1 , Alia Hussein Al-Mousawi1, Ahmed Adnan AL-Khafagi2



blood group, duration of smoking, Blood pressure and Clotting time


This study including collected 172 blood sample from AL-Kafeel University college, these samples including
102 sample to male and 70 sample for female in which students samples were 53 for smoker and 119 nonsmoker , to evaluate some of parameters such as ABO , RH , blood pressure and clotting time .
The results showed blood group A+ was more frequent which represent 33.7 % followed by O+ blood group
which represent 25.6% while B- was the last ,in other results displayed AB- and RH + was more frequent than
RH -
. Systolic and diastolic pressure examined was demonstrated there were mild hypertension in blood
pressure between samples of studied, while result gloating time was exhibited range 30 sec to 3 minute .

Author Biography

  • Manar Kareem Alquraishy1 , Alia Hussein Al-Mousawi1, Ahmed Adnan AL-Khafagi2

    1Assit.Lec. Lect. , Department of Analytical Techniques, University of AlKafeel, Alnajaf Alashraf, Iraq,
    3 Lect. Ph.D analytical Chemistry – Collage of Health and Medical Technique – Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical
    University, Iraq




How to Cite

Correlation Ship between Some Hematological Parameters and Smoking for Students. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 2238-2243.