Hearing and Children with Autism Spectrum


  • Shaima Abd Muhsin AL-Haboobi 1, Sadiq Sahib Hadi Hussain Al-Amin2 , Zainab Abed Muhsin AL-Haboobi3




Hearing, children, autism spectrum


Through the results obtained, we found that most of the families who had a child with autistic disorder were
residents of cities, with a percentage of 89.8%, while 10.2% who had a child with autism from rural housing.
The majority of children with autism had a weak physical condition of 74.5% percent, and 15.3% percent
had an average condition, while 10.2% percent had a good physical condition. Likewise, among the results
that we found that the best way to deal with a child with autism is care and treatment, and by 62.2%% and
31.6%% of mothers, the opinion was that the best way to deal with a child with the autism spectrum is care
only and by 6% of Among the mothers said that treatment is better than the way they deal with their children.
Likewise, between research, autistic children who are taken in the research suffer from a hearing disorder
and 82.7% of children respond when their names are heard, while 17.3% do not respond when calling their
names. It is noticeable that the proportion of children who suffer from hearing loss, 17.3% that they did not
respond when calling their names83.7.% of autistic children asked for help in their daily problems, while
16.3% of the children does not asked for help. 53.1% of the children find it difficult to express their wishes
when they want to ask for something, while, 46.9% of the children did not find it difficult to express when
they wanted to get something. The research also addressed the behavior of autistic children.

Author Biography

  • Shaima Abd Muhsin AL-Haboobi 1, Sadiq Sahib Hadi Hussain Al-Amin2 , Zainab Abed Muhsin AL-Haboobi3

    1 Diploma in audiology and speech therapy /Al- Kindi teaching hospital , Audiology and speech center, Iraq,
    2 Lecturer, AL-Furat AL-Awsat Technical University/ Karbala Technical Institute, Iraq, 3Assist. Prof., AL-Furat ALAwsat Technical University/ Karbala Technical Institute, Iraq




How to Cite

Hearing and Children with Autism Spectrum. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 2471-2479. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.11959