Determination of Complications and Contraception Failure in East Java Province, Indonesia
complications, contraceptive failure, couples of childbearing ageAbstract
Family Planning Programs in Indonesia is carried out by means of contraception which is an effort to
prevent pregnancy. These efforts can be temporary, can also be permanent. But until now there has not been
a 100% ideal method of contraception, because ideally a contraception is seen from the effectiveness, safe,
cheap, aesthetic, easy to obtain, does not require continuous motivation, and minimal side effects. Acceptors
using reversible contraception (aged 15-45 years) have a 1.8 chance of contraceptive failure. Within 1 year
of use, the reversible method fails as much as 1%. Achievement of cases of complications and contraceptive
failure in fertile age couples in East Java can be seen that cases have increased from early January 2019
to the end of December 2019 with the achievement of 212 acceptors who experienced cases of failure
failure and 90 acceptors who experienced complications in the province of Java. East in 2019. The failure
of contraception can be caused by various things, namely because of the method itself, termination of the
method by the acceptor, lack of discipline in using it or use errors. According to Lawrence Green, a person’s
health is influenced by two main factors namely behavioral factors and factors outside behavior. Consists of
Prediposing Factor in the form of knowledge attitude, Enabling Factor and Reinforcing Factor.