The Effect of Warm Red Ginger Compress Therapy on the Decrease in Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain in the Elderly at the Social Institution Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Bengkulu


  • Andri Kusuma Wijaya1 , Ferasinta1 , Yandrizal2



Red Ginger, Pain, Rheumatoid Artritis


Background: This study aims to determine the effect of compress therapy using warm red ginger to reduce
the scale of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly.
Study Design:This study used a one-group pretest-posttest pre-experimental research design, with a total
sample of 15 respondents.
Results:Based on the results of the bivariate analysis using the Dependent T test, it was found that there
was an effect between compresses using warm red ginger with a value (p value = 0, 000) on the decrease in
the scale of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly at the Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Bengkulu Home. The
provision of non-pharmacological management in the form of compressing warm red ginger will provide
a heat effect so that it can eliminate inflammation and acidity in the fluid content in the joints, besides that
there is also gingerol content in the area around the ginger rhizome which has an analgesic effect with
techniques to create vasodilation conditions in vessels. blood resulting in decreased pain. Therefore, giving
this therapy is very beneficial and helps the elderly who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis pain.
ConclusionThe role of the orphanage will be very helpful in informing and facilitating the elderly in reducing
the scale of rheumatoid arthritis pain through non-pharmacological management in the form of warm red
ginger compress therapy with the hope of improving the health status of the elderly at the social institution
Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Bengkulu Home.

Author Biography

  • Andri Kusuma Wijaya1 , Ferasinta1 , Yandrizal2

    1Expert assistant, Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu,
    2Widyaiswara Intermediate Expert UPTD Health Training Bengkulu




How to Cite

The Effect of Warm Red Ginger Compress Therapy on the Decrease in Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain in the Elderly at the Social Institution Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa Bengkulu . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 3040-3045.