Ischemic Stroke Caused by Metabolite Factors in Indonesia (GBD Study 2017)


  • Lukman Prayitno1 , Mugeni Sugiharto1 , Niniek Lely Pratiwi2



Ischemic Stroke, Metabolite Factors, Global Burden of Diseases 2017


Ischemic stroke was one of the leading causes of death. There are 2 risk factors, namely can and cannot be
modified. Metabolite factors can be modified. This article analyzes the 2017 GBD study data in Indonesia.
Quantitative analysis of secondary data from the 2017 GBD. The dependent variables are DALYs, Death,
YLL to YLD ratios. The independent variable is gender and 4 metabolite factors. Data were analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics. The overall average value of ischemic stroke DALYs was 11334.26
(143440.73 - 145.95). The average ischemic stroke mortality rate is 489.03 (3.23 - 7170.45). The average
ratio of YLL to YLD is 4.74 (0.86 - 7.70). YLL / YLD ratio values are greater than 1 for all metabolite
factors. This ratio indicates that the YLL value dominates the DALYs value. The value of ischemic stroke
burden in men is greater than in women. The highest value of stroke for metabolic factors in a row are high
systolic, high fasting, high LDL and high Body Mass Index. The difference in sex does not affect the value
of DALYs. High metabolite factors affect the value of DALYs. The YLL value dominates the DALYs value.

Author Biography

  • Lukman Prayitno1 , Mugeni Sugiharto1 , Niniek Lely Pratiwi2

    Health Researcher, 2
    Health Researcher Professor, Center for Research and Development in Humanities and
    Health Management, Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia




How to Cite

Ischemic Stroke Caused by Metabolite Factors in Indonesia (GBD Study 2017). (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 3082-3089.