Children Death with Child Abuse: A Case Report at Bhayangkara Hospital, Kediri Indonesia


  • Mochammad Soekry Erfan Kusuma1 , Tutik Purwanti2



children abuse, violence, fracture skull


Background: Child abuse has negative impact for children including emotional performance, mental
dysfunction, and decrease intelligence.
Case report: A boy went to the emergency room at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital. There was swelling on the
left head, expanding on the forehead and, bruising on the left ear. Also found signs of sodomy marks in the
form of abrasions around the anus. There are also bruises on the back and neck of the end.
Discussion: For a definitive diagnosis, the results of the CT scan were that the patient obtained extensive
cerebral contusion and caused the deviation of the midline structure to the right as far as ± 0.9 cm with
subgaleal hematoma and the dilation of cerebral blood vessels.
Conclusion: The body’s exact death is expected to blunt force in the head, resulting in a skull fracture and
bleeding of the brain.

Author Biography

  • Mochammad Soekry Erfan Kusuma1 , Tutik Purwanti2

    Serobiomolecular Division, Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Studies, Faculty of Medicine,
    Universitas Airlangga/ Soetomo Teaching Hospital Surabaya, 2
    Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal
    at Bhayangkara Hospital, Kediri East Java Indonesia




How to Cite

Children Death with Child Abuse: A Case Report at Bhayangkara Hospital, Kediri Indonesia . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 3544-3549.