Effectiveness of Community Education Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prevention and Management of Selected Non-Communicable Diseases among Urban Adults in Pune City


  • Najama Wahid Beg1 , Sonopant Joshi2 , Shital Waghmare3




Effectiveness,Community Education Programme,Knowledge, Attitude, Prevention, Management, Non-Communicable Disease, Adults


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accounted for two thirds of deaths (34.5 million of a total 52.8 million)
worldwide in 2010. In the same year, cancer was responsible for 8 million deaths, ischemic heart disease and
stroke collectively for 12.9 million deaths, and diabetes for 1.3 million deaths, with all showing significant
rising trends. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have emerged as serious public health problem
worldwide affecting all the populations across the globe in general but low- and middle-income populations
in particular. The present study title: “A study to assess the effectiveness of community education
programmeon knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of selected non-communicable
diseases among urban adults in Pune city.” The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude
effectiveness of community education programme and finding with selected demographic variables
regarding prevention and management of selected non-communicable disease among urban adults in Pune
city. Material and Methods: In present study, researcher adopted pre-experimental one group pre-test posttest research design. Study carried out on 60 samples with adult age group 36-55years residing in selected
urban areas. The non-probability convenient sampling technique was used to data was collected using the
self-structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed statistically. Ethical clearance was taken from Institutional
ethics committee. Data analysis was done mainly using descriptive statistics. Result: The mean posttest
score9.6 ( SD=3.14) was higher than the mean pretest score 5.25(SD=2.34 .The computed t-test statistic
value is7.59029, Corresponding p-value was 0.000, which is small (less than 0.05)and for the attitude
mean post test score 32.86(SD=9.28)was higher than the mean pretest 21.9(SD=7.33). As the calculated
t-value is 7.196212 and p- value was 0.00, which small(less than 0.05). Conclusion: Study conclude that
It shows that the effectiveness of community education programme was effective method for improving
the knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of selected non communicable disease.
Recommendation: A similar study can be conducted in hospital settings and rural areas also carried out to
evaluate the efficiency of various teaching strategies like self-instruction module, pamphlets, leaflets, on
non-communicable diseased.

Author Biography

  • Najama Wahid Beg1 , Sonopant Joshi2 , Shital Waghmare3

    1M.Sc. Nursing, Department of Community Health 2
    HOD of Community Health Department Nursing,
    Assisstant Professor, Symbiosis College Of Nursing, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune




How to Cite

Effectiveness of Community Education Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Prevention and Management of Selected Non-Communicable Diseases among Urban Adults in Pune City. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 3875-3880. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.12238