The Effectivesness Meaning in Life and Antiretroviral Therapy (Metart) Book as an to Promotion Adherence Antiretroviral Therapy among New People Living with HIV/AIDS Asesment Pre Intervention


  • Yafi Sabila Rosyad1 , Firmina Theresia Kora2 , Rika Monika3 , Salis Miftahul Khoeriyah4 , I Putu Juni Andika5



Adherence ART, meaning in life, HIV/AIDS,


Adherence to ART is the primary determinant of viral suppression. Adherence of at least 95% is needed for
optimal suppression. One of relationship with HAART is meaning in life. This study aimed at assessment
meaning in life and adherence antiretroviral therapy before intervention about METART book. This method
use descriptive statistic analysis to explain social demographic, meaning in life, and adherence antiretroviral
therapy. The result Characteristics gender people new living with HIV/AIDS this study is 75,6% is Male
with 38,5% homosexual. The age range of respondents is in the adult (65,4%). Single merital status is
74.4%. The total respondent with ARV medication is 30.8% under one year. 74.4% has meaningful life but
65,4% respondent has lack adherence ARV. Conclusion this research get data pre intervention metart book
about demographic, meaning in life, and adherence ARV.

Author Biography

  • Yafi Sabila Rosyad1 , Firmina Theresia Kora2 , Rika Monika3 , Salis Miftahul Khoeriyah4 , I Putu Juni Andika5

    Asist.Prof., Dept. of Mental Health in Nursing, STIKes Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2Asist.Prof.Dept of Basic Science
    and Fundamental of Nursing, STIKes Yogyakata, Indonesia,3
    Dept. of Community in Nursing, STIKes Yogyakarta,
    Indonesia,4Dept. of Pediatric in Nursing, STIKes Yogyakarta, Indonesia,5Dept. of Basic Science and Fundamental
    of Nursing, STIKes Yogyakata, Indonesia




How to Cite

The Effectivesness Meaning in Life and Antiretroviral Therapy (Metart) Book as an to Promotion Adherence Antiretroviral Therapy among New People Living with HIV/AIDS Asesment Pre Intervention . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 4436-4441.