Effects of Smokers and Second Hand Smoke by Gender and Age on DALYs Stroke in Indonesia


  • Mugeni Sugiharto1 , Lukman Prayitno2




Smoke, Smoker, DALYs, Stroke


Stroke is one of the causes of productive age losing time and work due to disability and death. This articles
want to analyze the differences in the influence of smokers and second hand smoke by gender and age
group to the value of DALYs stroke in Indonesia. This research is quantitative with cross-sectional design.
It use BOD (Burden Of Disease) research data in 2018. The population is stroke sufferers. The sample is
people who are exposed to cigarettes both as smokers and second hand smoke. Highest smokers DALYs
value of stroke are found in ? 70 years old group. The value are 6041,33 for men and 810.82 for women.
Lowest smokers DALYs value of stroke are found in <50 years old group. It value are 475.06 for men and
56,63 for women. Men DALYS value are 7,5 to 8,4 folds higher than women. Highest second hand smoke
DALYs value of stroke are found in ? 70 years old group too. The value are 619.48 for men and 1322.03 for
women. Lowest DALYs value of stroke are found in <50 years old group too. The value are 26.3 for men
and 165.19 for women. Women DALYs value are 2,13 – 6,4 fold higher than men. Based on Kruskal-Wallis
test result with CI level of 95% indicate significant difference for gender, age and individual exposed to
smoke on DALYs stroke. There is a significant difference between sex, age, smoker and second hand smoke
on DALYs stroke. Male smokers had higher DALYs than women. Female second hand smoke had higher
DALYS than men.

Author Biography

  • Mugeni Sugiharto1 , Lukman Prayitno2

    Senior Health Researcher; 2Health Researcher, Center for Humanities Research, Development and Health
    Management, Ministry of Health, Indonesia




How to Cite

Effects of Smokers and Second Hand Smoke by Gender and Age on DALYs Stroke in Indonesia. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 4457-4463. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.12343