Analysis of Prevalence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Patients with History of Chronic Irritation of Oral Tissues - A Retrospective Study


  • Suvarna K1 , Abilasha.R2 , Gheena.S3 , Pratibha Ramani4



Prevalence; OSCC;chronic mucosal irritation; chronic mechanical irritation;dental factors; prosthetic factors.


Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for more than 90% of the reported oral cancer cases in
the world. Even though the habits such as tobacco usage, smoking and old age are the main risk factors for
developing oral squamous cell carcinoma some factors like chronic mucosal irritation(CMI) from mechanical
and functional factors also play a significant role in the etiology of oral squamous cell carcinoma. The aim
of this study was to analyse the prevalence of oral squamous cell carcinoma with history of chronic mucosal
irritation and to evaluate various parameters like gender, age, site of the lesion and etiology of chronic
trauma in OSCC cases with chronic mucosal irritation history. This retrospective study included a sample
size of n= 78 ( 73 = OSCC with other etiology, 5= OSCC with etiology of chronic mucosal irritation). Data
regarding the sample cases were selected after the review and analysis of records of about 86000 patients
who visited our institution between june 2019 and march 2020. The retrieved data were tabulated in MS
Excel and exported to SPSS for statistical analysis. Prevalence of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases with
chronic mucosal irritation history was 6.41% for a duration of 8 months. Etiology associated with chronic
mucosal irritation was found to be tooth related factors in all the sample cases. 80% of the oral squamous cell
carcinoma cases associated with chronic mucosal irritation history were males and 20% were females and
80% of the OSCC samples with CMI were above 40 years of age. In 60% of OSCC with CMI history were
found to be on buccal mucosa followed by tongue and gingivobuccal sulcus. The present study provides
an overview and explains the need of considering chronic mucosal irritation as an etiological factor for the
development of OSCC without the association of tobacco habit.

Author Biography

  • Suvarna K1 , Abilasha.R2 , Gheena.S3 , Pratibha Ramani4

    Research Associate, Dental Research Cell, 2Reader, Department of Oral Pathology, 3Associate Professor,
    Department of Oral Pathology, 4Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, 5Senior Lecturer, Department
    of oral pathology, Saveetha dental college and hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,
    Saveetha University, Chennai




How to Cite

Analysis of Prevalence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Patients with History of Chronic Irritation of Oral Tissues - A Retrospective Study. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 5760-5768.