Oral Hygiene in Patients with Fixed Partial Dentures


  • A.Alagu Rathi Bharathi1 , M.SivaKumar2




FPD patients, oral hygiene status, periodontitis, gingivitis.


Fixed prosthodontics is the area of prosthodontics focused on permanently attached dental prosthesis. Patients
with FPD require regular lifelong professional maintenance with repeated interventions and reinstructions
regarding maintenance of proper oral hygiene around fixed prosthesis. The aim of the study is to evaluate
the oral hygiene in patients with Fixed Dental Prosthesis. A total 86000 patients data were analysed and the
samples were taken from the patients who checked into the hospital from June 2019 to April 2020. A total
of 958 patients were taken and analysed for oral hygiene status. Data collection was done from the dental
archives of the patient management software system patented by Saveetha dental college.The data was
obtained from the category fixed dental prosthesis. The results were analysed using SPSS software version
20 by IBM. The results observed was that the patients with FPD were prevalent to gingival inflammation
and periodontal problems. Noticeable lack of awareness about oral hygiene after the fixed partial denture is
found among patients wearing Fixed Partial Denture.

Author Biography

  • A.Alagu Rathi Bharathi1 , M.SivaKumar2

    1Research Associate, Professor and Head of the Department, 2
    Senior lecturer, Saveetha Dental College , Saveetha
    Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai 77




How to Cite

Oral Hygiene in Patients with Fixed Partial Dentures. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 5826-5831. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.12519