Management of Lumber Canal Stenosis through Panchakarma: Case Study
Lumber Canal Stenosis, Panchakarma, Katigata Vata, Vatavyadhi.Abstract
Lumbar canal stenosis is a narrowing of spinal canal and compressing the nerves travelling through the
lower back into the legs. The symptoms includes pain, weakness and tingling sensation or numbness of legs
which radiate down to the feet along with psuedoclaudication, typically worsens with standing or walking
and improves with sitting and is often related to posture and lumbar extension. It will hamper daily activity
of patient along with quality of life. In modern science there is no appropriate treatment except surgical
intervention which is having complication and also the chances of recurrence. Ayurveda can provide a
suitable answer through appropriate Panchakarma modalities useful in Lumber Canal Stenosis. According
to Ayurveda it can be related to Katigata Vata but it is not a separate disease entity. In Ayurvedic literature
it is explained as one of the Vatavyadhi. The present case study will analyse effectiveness of Panchkarma in
Lumber Canal Stenosis.