Review on Effect of Sarshap Taila and Til Taila in Prevention of Atiyog of Karnendriya with Special Reference to Karnanaad
Atiyog, karnapuran, karnanaad, abhyanga, karnendriya.Abstract
Lifestyle changes has created lot of hurdles for simple upkramas of Dincharya like Karnapuaran in daily
routine, leading to commonly occurring disease i.e Karnanad (Tinnitus). It has remained as a formality in
Hindu festivals like Diwali & Dashera. In some parts of the country to follow rituals like applying Taila on
the body or procedures like Abhyanga and in that case people done karnapuran as well. So, problems related
to Ear like Karnanad are increasing day by day in atiyog of karnendriya and old aged people in modern era.
There are different treatment modalities available for the same, but these are costly. These treatments are not
affordable by low socio economic people. So this review focused with Sarshap Taila and Til Taila to prevent
atiyog of Karnendriya given in Ayurved.