Physiological Effect of Yogic Procedures on Pranvahastrotas (Respiratory System) in Healthy Individuals
Asan, Pranayam, PranvahastrotasAbstract
The present research aimed at researching the physiological effect of yogic procedures in healthy subjects
on Pranavahastrotas. The objective of the study was to test Pranvahastrotas’ physiological functions by
evaluating Herat Rate (HR), Respiration Rate (RR), Tidal Volume (TV), Inspiratory Reserved Volume (IRV),
Expiratory Reserved Volume (ERV), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), MVV (Maximum voluntary ventilation),
Ratio-FEV1/FVC (Forced expiratory volume in one second). Total thirty healthy participants were selected
by lottery method with prior written consent. After institutional Ethical committee clearance selected
participants performed schedule of Yogasanas and Pranayama for 9o minutes daily for two months and they
were again assessed for all the above parameters after completion of 60 days. After 60 days heart rate and
respiration rate decreases to significant level whereas there is significant rise in IRV, ERV, FVC, MVV and
FEV1. In conclusion, yogic exercises and Pranayama done regularly improve pulmonary function test, there
helps in improving the health of Pranvahastrotas