Forensic Odontology: A Potent Tool for Human Identification


  • Saroj Kuthe1 , Ranjit Ambad2 , Ninad Nagrale3, Swapnil Patond4



Age Estimation, Bite Mark, Rugoscopy, Cheiloscopy


Throughout the last 100 years, Forensic Odontology is becoming an integralpart of Medico Legal research
which uses dental as well as oro-facial studies to aid in the investigation for judicial system. It can be used
in legal investigations which involve the identification of human remains, bite marks and age estimation &
the list goes on. Dental practitioners have a significant responsibility of keeping correct dental records and
supplying the relevant details to law enforcement authorities’. This paper will attempt to sum up the current
positions of Forensic Medicine dental experts.

Author Biography

  • Saroj Kuthe1 , Ranjit Ambad2 , Ninad Nagrale3, Swapnil Patond4

    1BDS intern, Sharad Pawar Dental College, Sawangi Meghe, Wardha, 2Associate Professor, Department of
    Biochemistry, Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur (MS), 3Associate Professor, Department of Forensic
    Medicine, Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur (MS), 4Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine,
    Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, DMIMS, Wardha (MS)




How to Cite

Forensic Odontology: A Potent Tool for Human Identification. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 6526-6530.