Ayurvedic Lifestyle Prescription for Autoimmune Disorder W.S.R. Pemphigus Folliculitis: A Review
Auto-immune; Pemphigus folliculitis; review, lifestyle; Pathya, Apathya; VisphotaAbstract
Summary: Pemphigus folliculitis or Pemphigus foliaceous is one of the autoimmune disorders in which
superficial blisters are induced by IgG (mainly IgG4) auto-antibodies which are directed against desmoglein
i.e. molecule of a cell adhesion, which occurs in the granular layer of the epidermis in Pemphigus folliculitis,
this special response as a result of pathogenic & non-pathogenic antibodies produces specific blisters in this
layer of skin. Though it found to be rare in the world’s population, it doesn’t respond satisfactorily with
current established treatment. Considering its pathophysiology, lifestyle modification plays an essential role
in its prevention & management. Therefore, this review study is planned with the aim & objective to review
the lifestyle modification w.r.s. pathya & Apathya (Ahara & Vihar) for Pemphigus folliculitis with Ayurvedic
perspective. Pemphigus folliculitiscan be correlated with Visphotaka (type of Kshudra Kustha Roga) in the
Ayurvedic perspective. The concerned material related to topic has been reviewed from various modern as
well as Ayurvedic literature,including Samhita and numerous review articles in different journals. Ayurveda
i.e. ancient system of medicine described the psychosomatic platform for the healthy lifestyle including the
pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures, even for the prevention as well as management for
Kustha i.e. dermatological disorders,which are always found successful in checking over the pathogenesis of
this disease. More clinical research studies are expected to prove their efficacy on scientific clinical ground.