Comparison of Quality Enhancing Method of Modern & Ayurvedic on Tulasi (Ocimum Sanctum)
Ocimum sanctum, Cholchicine, decoction.Abstract
Modern civilization, Industrialization and the population explosion has shrunken forests as well as the land
available for cultivation in our country which has badly affected the availability of medicinal plants as
the quantity of medicinal plants is reduced the quality also is compromised. The green revolution was
brought about by the use of chemical treatments on the seeds, plants, used of the pesticides and chemical
manures. It would be worthwhile to study whether similar pattern can be employed to increase the no. of
plants and their quality in the field of cultivation of medicinal plants. Although, plant breeding appears to
be the principal way of improvement, and can give good results in terms of resistance to pathogens, active
component content and yield; the agronomical and the technological approaches are also very important.
An agronomical method to improve the quality & quantity of the plants includes treatments of seeds & the
growing plants with Bio-engineered herbal products along with the use of organic manures. The scientist
in the field of botany and agriculture have developed some method of quality enhancing by treating seeds,
seedlings or young shoots or buds in plant breeding with some suitable chemical treatments. These method
have given satisfactory results in the form of increase in the yield. Hoping that the quality also improves
it would be worthwhile to grow medicinal plants on the similar lines. The relevant literature reveals that
Colchicine treatment on seeds or seedling or emerging buds for quality enhancing of medicinal plants will
be worth studying