Clinical and Biological Importance of Micro RNA in the Formation of Women Reproductive Losses


  • Kamola A. Sattarova1, Farida M. Ayupova2, Dilnoza D. Saidjalalova3, Dildora A. Ayupova4, Irina S. Akperbekova5, Firuza B. Mirodilova6



Microrna, pregnancy, placenta, gene.


Habitual miscarriage is currently one of the most frequent complications of the gestational process, which
is diagnosed in 10-25% of pregnant women. (IuA, 2017) Habitual abortion (miscarriage) - spontaneous
interruption of pregnancy two or more times in a row.
So, high expression of miR133a may mediate a decrease in HLA-G expression at the protein level and
may be implicated in the pathogenesis of habitual miscarriage, since HLA-G provides immune tolerance in
pregnancy49. So, the literature data suggest that microRNA dysregulation may be related to the pathogenesis
of various obstetric complications, but accurate methodological approaches to the diagnosis and prediction
of pregnancy complications using microRNA require further study.

Author Biography

  • Kamola A. Sattarova1, Farida M. Ayupova2, Dilnoza D. Saidjalalova3, Dildora A. Ayupova4, Irina S. Akperbekova5, Firuza B. Mirodilova6

    1Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 Tashkent Medical Academy, 2Head of the
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 Tashkent Medical Academy, MD, Professo, 3MD, Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 Tashkent Medical Academy, 4Associate Professor of Department of
    Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 Tashkent Medical Academy, PhD, 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1
    Tashkent Medical Academy, 6Assistant of Department of Dermatovenerology Tashkent Medical Academy




How to Cite

Clinical and Biological Importance of Micro RNA in the Formation of Women Reproductive Losses. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 7354-7360.