Social and Demographic Characteristics of Elderly and their Lifestyle in Developing Countries: On the Example of Uzbekistan
Loneliness, elderly people, nursing homes, lifestyle, living conditions, bad habits.Abstract
Background: Elderly people have a variety of medical problems and functional limitations. Most older people
experience multiple chronic illnesses as they age, which is one of the reasons for reducing of their physical
activity. Undoubtedly, one of the ways to prevent the occurrence and exacerbation of chronicdiseasesis to
maintain a healthy lifestyle, which increases the period of active life and helps support physical activity.
Method: We used a random selection method to obtain reliable and representative data: cluster and stratified
selection. In Tashkent city, we selected 2 clusters out of 11 clusters, where the proportion of elderly and
senile people was the highest and 674 elderly were included into the research; in the Tashkent region 3
clusters were selected, and 473 elderly were included to our sample. Our sample was divided into 3 social
categories: the first category included lonely elderly people living alone in their apartments in the amount
of 310 people, the second one included lonely elderly people living in nursing homes for the elderly, in the
amount of 240, and the 3rd category included elderly people living with their families, in the amount of
597 people. In order to assess the respondents’ lifestyle, we studied their daily routine, dietary regimen and
nature, leisure, bad habits and physical activity.
Results: Married respondents were 2.1 times more among elderly living with their families, and 5.7 times
more amongelderly living alone in their apartments compared to elderly living in nursing homes. Lonely
elderly of “middle-old” age are in more difficult state due to significant proportion of this age-category suffer
with various disabilities. It is find out that most respondents of the research do not pay proper attention to
a balanced diet. Every second elderly person in our study suffered with obesity and had an increased body
mass index (BMI: 25.1<). More than half of the respondents (54.6 + 3.2%) from nursing homes smoked
tobacco products 3 times more than those living with their families. Alcohol consumption among older
people living in nursing homes was 6 times higher compared to older people living with their families. With
an increase of the age, the number of elderly engaged in any kind of physical exercise decreased sharply.
Conclusions: The study and analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyle of elderly in
Uzbekistan revealed that divorce and loss of spouse are negative factors, whereas the presence of a family
and the residence of elderlywith relatives have a positive impact on their lifestyle and, accordingly, on their
health status.