Effect of Lifestyle Modification Guidelines on Mild Preeclampsia
Lifestyle Modification, Lifestyle Guidelines, Maternal Outcome, Mild Preeclampsia, Severe PreeclampsiaAbstract
Background: Preeclampsia has an adverse effect on both mother and fetus, and may be life-threating
condition. Lifestyle modification can improve the clinical presentation of preeclampsia. Methods:
Aim of the current study was to examine the effect of lifestyle modification guidelines on improving
mild preeclampsia. A Quasi-experimental design was adopted on a purposive sample of 80 pregnant
women with mild preeclampsia at the antenatal outpatient unit in Port Said Maternity Hospital, they
were assigned into two groups; the study group received lifestyle modification guidelines alongside the
routine care and pharmacological management, while the control group received the routine care and
pharmacological management. Two tools were used for data collection, Interviewing Questionnaire
Sheet and Follow Up Assessment Sheet. Results: The findings showed that lifestyle modifications
guidelines lowering the mean of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, gestational weight gain, and
proteinuria. Also, reducing risk of delivery before 34 weeks of gestation by 10.0%, delivery from
34 to 36 weeks of gestation by 30.0%, altered liver function by 22.5%, altered kidney function by
15.0%, and cardiac symptoms by 17.5%. Conclusion: Lifestyle modification guidelines alongside with
routine care and pharmacological treatment are effective method in modifying mild preeclampsia and
its complications