Pattern, Severity of Injuires Sustained in Road Traffic Accident: An Autopsy Based Study
Road traffic accidents, Patterns of injuries, Helmets.Abstract
Road Traffic Accidents (RTA’s) constitute a significant public health problem, they are rising in an alarming
rate and causing increased morbidity and mortality among people. Motor vehicle accidents are complex events resulting primarily from human, technical, and environmental contributing factors. That is the reason, road traffic accidents are creating the burden for people related to mortality and morbidity.
Objectives: The following study analyses the following: 1) Age and sex distribution of the deceased in RTA. 2)
Month and Time of occurrence of RTA. 3) Pattern of injury sustained in RTA.
Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted for a period of three month (October 2022-December 2022), in cases of road traffic accidents brought for autopsy at tertiary care teaching hospital, Madurai. All the data regarding the age, sex, month, time and place of occurrence, type and site of injuries and outcome are collected based on autopsy report. Data was analysed using standard statistical method.
Results: Of the total 330 road traffic accidents cases, 81.8% cases were males, 18.2% females. Majority of the victims were in the age group of 41-50 years (21%), Urban victims found to be on the highest side (77.2%), compared to Rural victims 22.8%. Most of the RTA happened during the month of NOVEMBER (38.2%) and during the time period between 2 PM and 1 0PM (40.6%). Head injuries contributes the most common injury pattern (60.7%) compared to other pattern of injury.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that head injuries were the most common injury pattern in RTAs and it is the main factor for death. Proper awareness about usage of helmets, punishment regarding drunk & driving and rash driving among the common people will help to reduce the mortality due to Road traffic accidents.

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