Trends in Suicidal Deaths Brought for Medicolegal Autopsy at Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai: A Retrospective Study
Suicide, Autopsy, Poisoning, Economic instability, Counselling.Abstract
Suicide is a major cause of death in today’s world. The pattern of suicidal deaths in a particular area points not only to the quality of living but also the social and mental makeup of the population.
AIM AND OBJECTIVES:1. To ascertain suicidal death patterns in and around Madurai. 2. To analyse the data with respect to demographics presentation, methods used for committing suicide. 3. To find out the underlying factors that led to Suicide.
METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted at Govt. Rajaji Hospital mortuary, Madurai which covers almost entire district for medicolegal autopsies. The study period was from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021 which amounts to one year study. The study design comprised of thoroughly scrutinised information gathered from autopsy related documents, history of relatives of the deceased, hospital records, concerned investigating officers and laboratory report of viscera and other relevant details available in our department. Suicide notes if any were also included. Data was analysed using standard statistical method.
RESULTS: Out of 986 cases of suicidal deaths majority of the cases were Male belonging to the age group 21-30 years followed by age group 31-40years. Poisoning and Hanging were the most common methods employed. Most of the victims were of lower socioeconomic class belonging to rural background. Economic instability and family conflict were the most common cause that led to suicides.
CONCLUSION: Suicidal deaths are preventable by the combined effort of the Government agencies, adaption of healthy lifestyle, counselling facilities and change in the mindset of the people to adapt to all difficult situations in life.
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