Permanent Teeth Eruption Pattern in the Age Group of 5 to 15 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southern India
Age estimation,Dental eruption, Forensic odontology, Forensic dentistryAbstract
Age estimation plays a vital role in various medico legal cases including both civil and criminal litigations. Assessment of age of an individual by examination of teeth is one of the universally accepted methods of age estimation. In the present study we observed the patterns of dental eruption in Coimbatore. In this study we considered the eruption pattern of all permanent teeth (Molar 1 teeth, Central Incisor teeth, Lateral Incisor teeth, Pre Molar 1, Pre Molar 2, Canine and Molar 2).
Material and Methods:
The present study was a community based cross sectional study conducted in C.R.R. Matric Higher Secondary School, Ondipudur. C.R.R.Mat.Hr.Sec.School (CMHSS) located at Coimbatore S.S.Kulam, Ondipudur, The study was conducted among 1000 study participants
The mean age for complete eruption of the first molar teeth and central incisor was observed to be between 75.9 to 77.9 months and 80.8 to 84 months respectively. Lateral Incisor teeth was completely erupted among all the study participants aged between 105.2 and 107.4 months of age. The mean age for complete eruption of the first premolar was observed to be between 109.58 to 112.6 months. The mean age for complete eruption of the second pre molar was observed to be between 131.0 to 133.8 months. Complete eruption of Canine and second molar was observed to be between 142.6 to 144.8 months and 174.5 – 178.6 months of age respectively.
First Pre Molar, Second Pre Molar, Canine and the second molar appears to be earlier on left side as compared to the left side. The eruption of the second molar tooth was significantly earlier in the female study participants as compared to the male study participants. The dental eruption patterns should be studied in detail to assess the role off various associated factors like nutrition, oral hygiene.
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