A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Buerger Allen Exercise on Lower Extremity Perfusion Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Admitted in Selected Hospitals

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Vikas Machhindra Miskin


Introduction: Healthy life is the valuable gift of an individual, if a person is healthy enough he is the richest
person in his own world. But there are certain disease condition which affect many people in our world, such as
heart problem, neurological problem, orthopedic problem, metabolic disorder especially diabetes mellitus, among
which diabetes mellitus is the one of the important health concerns in today’s world. Diabetes mellitus is a global
public health problem; growing as an epidemic in both developed and developing countries.
Objectives Of The Study:
1. To assess existing lower extremity perfusion among diabetes mellitus patients.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of Buerger- Allen exercise on lower extremity perfusion among the experimental
3. To find out the association between pre-interventional scores of Buerger Allen exercise with selected demographic
variables, among diabetes mellitus patients.
Methodology: In the present study Experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used to determine the
effectiveness Buerger Allen exercise on lower extremity perfusion among diabetes mellitus admitted in selected
hospitals. Samples were selected using consecutive sampling technique.
Result: The subjects enrolled in the studies were 30 participation of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. In present
study 30 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 were enrolled in hospital setting.
Age group: The majority of the subjects 12 (40%) belonged to the age group of 51-60.
Gender: Majority of subjects were 19 (63.3%) were male and 11(36.7) minimum were female.Specific habits: 15 (50%) majority of subjects had specific habits of tobacco chewing subjects while minimum
5 (16.7%) are smoking.
Diet: Majority of the subjects 21(70%) belonged to the mixed diet, while minimum 9(30%) subjects belonged to
vegetarian diet.
Conclusion: The above interventional study was a good learning experience for, investigator. The result of this
study showed that, Buerger Allen exercise was effective. As per subjects response on lower extremity perfusion
among Diabetes Mellitus type 2, thus null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
This study proved that the Buerger Allen exercise were effective and will help in the reduction of risk of lower
extremity perfusion among Diabetes Mellitus type 2 subjects.

Article Details

How to Cite
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Buerger Allen Exercise on Lower Extremity Perfusion Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Admitted in Selected Hospitals. (2022). International Journal of Nursing Care, 10(2), 18-25. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijonc.v10i2.18325
Author Biography

Vikas Machhindra Miskin

Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Vijaysinh Mohite – Patil
College of Nursing and Medical Research Institute, Akluj, Maharashtra

How to Cite

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Buerger Allen Exercise on Lower Extremity Perfusion Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Admitted in Selected Hospitals. (2022). International Journal of Nursing Care, 10(2), 18-25. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijonc.v10i2.18325