Prevalence of Obesity and its Association with Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol in Under-Graduate Medical and Para-Medical Students of Jamnagar City: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Jimmy Kagathara Senior Resident, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Samprada Tank Senior Resident, Dept of Pharmacology, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Shubham Patel Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Hardikkumar Kalariya Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Nency Kagathara First Year Medical Student, Zydus Medical College, Dahod
  • Dipesh V Parmar Professor & Head, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar



alcohol, medical students, obesity, para-medical students, tobacco.


BACKGROUND: Obesity/Overweight is rising rapidly especially in developing countries in young age group due to multiple reasons. Along with obesity rising trend is seen in tobacco and alcohol consumption in young age group. Obesity, alcohol, and tobacco together are risk factors for various non-communicable diseases.

AIM & OBJECTIVE: Present study was conducted to assess prevalence of obesity and its association with tobacco and alcohol intake.

METHODOLOGY: Study was carried out in Medical (M.B.B.S & B.D.S) & Para-medical (B.A.M.S & B.P.T) colleges in 985 students. Sample size was calculated by proportionate probable sampling using annual intake of college and students selected by random sampling year wise. Weight and height were measured using standard equipment and BMI was classified by Asian cut-off classification. Audit questionnaire was used for alcohol users. ANOVA test, Chi-square test & Pearson co-relation co-efficient were used for data analysis.

RESULT& CONCLUSION: 32.18% students were overweight/obese out of total sample size of 985. 46 (4.67%) and 62 (6.29%) students reported using tobacco & alcohol use in last 1 year. Tobacco users were having less chance of being obese/overweight (p<0.05). Increasing age was associated with higher risk of obesity, tobacco, and alcohol consumption (r > 0.70).Proper steps need to be taken at individual, college, and state level to address increasing obesity.

Author Biographies

  • Jimmy Kagathara, Senior Resident, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

    Senior Resident, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

  • Samprada Tank, Senior Resident, Dept of Pharmacology, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

    Senior Resident, Dept of Pharmacology, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

  • Shubham Patel, Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

    Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

  • Hardikkumar Kalariya, Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

    Resident Doctor, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

  • Nency Kagathara, First Year Medical Student, Zydus Medical College, Dahod

    First Year Medical Student, Zydus Medical College, Dahod

  • Dipesh V Parmar, Professor & Head, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar

    Professor & Head, Dept of Community Medicine, Shri M P Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar


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How to Cite

Prevalence of Obesity and its Association with Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol in Under-Graduate Medical and Para-Medical Students of Jamnagar City: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2024). Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 15(3), 122-129.