Relationship between Sleep Quality and Primary Headache in Medical Bachelor’s Program Students at Udayana University
:Primary headache, sleep quality, student.Abstract
Background: The issue of headaches is urgent to address as it can have a significant impact on the global community at large. Various factors influence headaches, one of which is the quality of sleep. This research is conducted to investigate the relationship between sleep quality and primary headaches among students in the Medical Bachelor's Program at Udayana University.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a descriptive analysis regarding sleep quality and primary headaches in 164 students. Data collection was done online through questionnaires on primary headaches and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The data were then analyzed using the contingency coefficient correlation test.
Results: A total of 68.3% of students experienced primary headaches, while 87.8% of students had poor sleep quality. There is a relationship between sleep quality and primary headaches (p=0.017) with a correlation value of 0.183, indicating a very weak relationship between the two.
Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the quality of sleep and primary headaches among medical undergraduate students of Udayana University with a very weak correlation. Therefore, providing a better understanding of maintaining a more regular sleep schedule to students is recommended.
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