A Cross-Sectional Study on Magnitude of Post-Partum Depression and Factors Associated with it among Postnatal Mothers Visiting a Tertiary Care Setting in Mangalore, Karnataka
Depression;Maternal health; Mental health;Post-partum; Postnatal period; Psychosis.Abstract
Introduction: Postnatal period is a vulnerable time for women, with 85% experiencing mood disturbances due to physical and emotional changes. Depression, being one such common occurrence is known to have large impact on morbidities of mother and child. Hence it is crucial to know the factors effecting post-partum depression (PPD).
Aims: To assess the burden of postpartum depression and factors associated with it.
Materials and methods:The cross-sectional study was conducted in a private tertiary care hospital on women in their postnatal period (6 – 8 weeks). Data was collected using pretested semi-structured questionnaire, and depression was assessed using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; data was analyzed using SPSS.
Results:Around 34% had probable depression. Risk factors were found be: those having lower educational status, semi/unskilled occupation, non-nuclear family, lower SES, complications in present / past pregnancy, multiple gestation, unwanted pregnancy, pressure for female child, poor relationship with family members including husband’s absence during delivery.
Conclusion: Prevalence of depression in postnatal women is high. Modifiable psychosocial factors have a close association with PPD, which constitute the potential factors of intervention
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