Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour Practices of Kangaroo Mother Care among Beneficiaries in Indore District
Kangaroo mother care, Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior practicesAbstract
Background: Worldwide, low birth weight is an important underlying cause of neonatal mortality. In India ,prevalence of low birth weight babies is high [2]Kangaroo Mother Care is a low resource ,evidence based, high impact intervention and standardised care for low birth weight infants.[3] KMC reduces mortality as well as severe infections and length of hospital stay. This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude and behaviour practices regarding kangaroo mother care among the beneficiaries and to study the appropriateness in kangaroo mother care practices among the beneficiaries.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted from May 2021 to November 2021 in secondary and tertiary health care delivery centres of Indore district where KMC was provided for low birth weight babies. Total 75 beneficiaries from urban and 75 beneficiaries from rural were included. Data was entered in excel sheet and analysed by using SPSS 25.0 (trial version). Chi-square test was applied wherever necessary.
Result: 64% were aware of kangaroo mother care. 66.7% were aware of the benefits of kangaroo mother care. 47% had sufficient knowledge about the correct position of KMC. All the beneficiaries agreed that KMC is a useful process for babies. In the rural area, only 31.2% felt anxious or stressed while giving KMC and in the urban area, 34.3% felt the same thing. Family members of 32.3% babies took part in providing KMC. 61.4% beneficiaries were able to perceive heartbeat and breathing of their babies.
Conclusion: Finding of this study suggests that very few beneficiaries had adequate knowledge regarding KMC which indicates a huge gap in knowledge. Awareness should be created among the beneficiaries about the benefits of kangaroo mother care so as to increase their enthusiasm for proper participation by using IEC materials like audio-visuals, posters,demonstrations etc
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