Evaluation of Bed Utilization Pattern in a Tertiary Care Teaching Corporate Hospital in India
Bed occupancy; Hospital resource management; Bed occupancy rate; Length of stay; Hospital bed utilization.Abstract
Objectives- Assessment of bed utilization indices in a tertiary care hospital in India.
Methods- This cross-sectional study was conducted in a 730-bed tertiary care hospital. Average length of stay (ALOS),bed occupancy rate (BOR), bed turnover interval (BTI), bed turnover rate (BTR), gross death rate (GDR), and net death rate (NDR) were assessed over 12 months. Data included both primary and secondary data.
Results- During the study period, there were 355722 outpatients, of which 28296 were admitted and there were 32742 emergency room (ER) outpatients, of which 18361 were admitted. ALOS, BOR, BTI, BTR, GDR & NDR were 3.55, 63.55, 2.07, 5.43, 1.94 & 1.31 respectively. In the international ward, ICU, general ward, private room, and RAS ward the BOR was 37.04, 52.81, 77.66, 64.93, and 38.35 respectively and the value of ALOS was 4.01, 3.21, 3.47, 2.69, and 4.37 respectively.
Conclusion-Despite being better than many hospitals in India, there is still a need for improvement in the hospital management strategy of the hospital to reach its optimum level. Monitoring of bed utilization ratios is recommended in hospital settings.
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