Determinants of Nurse Patients Communication Barrier as Perceived by Patients :A Case of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Chitwan

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Dhungana G.1 , Dhungana S.M.2


The quantitative descriptive cross sectional design was employed to find out nurse- patient communication
barriers as perceived by patients. The Pretested semi-structure interview schedule along with likert rating
scale ranging from five to one was used. Total patients (201) admitted in general wards at least three days of
hospital stay were selected. Chi square test was used bivariate analysis to find association of nurse pateint
communication barrier with their socio-economic, demographic factors as perceived by pateint. Common
factors, nurse related, patients related, and environment related factors were major factor under study.
During research, 78.10 % of patients percieved most barriers during nurse-patient communication. There
was statistical association between common factors with age(p=0.004), marital status (p=0.025), education
status (p=0.049), and types of family (p=0.022). Likewise, association also evident between nurse-related
factors, types of family (p=0.02), and occupation (p=0.01). Similarly, regarding the environment-related
factors, age (p=0.041), education status (p=0.05), and religion (p=0.009) had statistical association. The
Result found that there was positive correlation among all factors. Among them, nurse-related factors and
patient-related factors (r=0.54) have shown moderately positive correlation. It is concluded that majority of
patients had perceived level of barriers in over all as most barriers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Determinants of Nurse Patients Communication Barrier as Perceived by Patients :A Case of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Chitwan. (2020). International Journal of Nursing Education, 12(4), 48-54.
Author Biography

Dhungana G.1 , Dhungana S.M.2

Training Institute for Technical Instruction, Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Nepal,
Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan, Bagmati, Nepal

How to Cite

Determinants of Nurse Patients Communication Barrier as Perceived by Patients :A Case of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Chitwan. (2020). International Journal of Nursing Education, 12(4), 48-54.